This document and TLR Image Resizer.atn are copyright of The Light's Right Studio, (c) 2003. Do not redistribute! You are free to use the TLR Image Resizer.atn Photoshop action for processing your own digital images for private or commercial purposes. You may not sell, copy, or redistribute the TLR Image Resizer.atn Photoshop action for any purpose EXCEPT to make a personal backup copy. _____________________________________________________________________________ How to install The Light's Right Resizer Photoshop Action _____________________________________________________________________________ - Drag the “TLR Image Resizer.atn" file to Photoshop's actions palette. OR - Open Photoshop and go to the actions palette. On the top right of the palette, click on the little triangle and from the menu pick “load action”. Find where you downloaded the “TLR Image Resizer.atn" file and click on the load button. _____________________________________________________________________________ How to use The Light's Right Resizer Photoshop Action _____________________________________________________________________________ This action is based on a technique known to advanced Photoshop users. If you increase the size of an image in small increments, the artifacts are reduced, making it possible, in many cases, to enlarge digital images to poster size and still have a sharp image. The action set contains several actions, including: Stepwise Upsize Increases an image by 10% using Photoshop Bicubic interpolation. Can be run multiple times to achieve the desired size. Stepwise Upsize Sharper Increases an image by 10% using Photoshop Bicubic Sharper interpolation. Can be run multiple times to achieve the desired size. 100% Upsize Doubles an image by 10% steps using Photoshop Bicubic interpolation. Can be run multiple times to achieve the desired size. Actual size will be slightly larger than double. Add a final resize to actual size, if desired. 100% Upsize Smoother Doubles an image by 10% steps using Photoshop Bicubic Smoother interpolation. Can be run multiple times to achieve the desired size. Add a final resize to actual size, if desired. Stepwise Downsize Decreases an image by 10% using Photoshop Bicubic interpolation. Can be run multiple times to achieve the desired size. Stepwise Downsize Sharper Decreases an image by 10% using Photoshop Bicubic Sharper interpolation. Can be run multiple times to achieve the desired size. 50% Downsize Halves an image by 10% steps using Photoshop Bicubic interpolation. Can be run multiple times to achieve the desired size. Actual size will be slightly larger than double. Add a final resize to actual size, if desired. 50% Downsize Sharper Halves an image by 10% steps using Photoshop Bicubic Sharper interpolation. Can be run multiple times to achieve the desired size. Add a final resize to actual size, if desired. 180 DPI to 240 DPI Increases the resolution in approx. 10% steps from 180 to 240 DPI using the Photoshop Bicubic interpolation. 180 DPI to 240 DPI Smoother Increases the resolution in approx. 10% steps from 180 to 240 DPI using the Photoshop Bicubic Smoother interpolation. 240 DPI to 300 DPI Increases the resolution in approx. 10% steps from 240 to 300 DPI using the Photoshop Bicubic interpolation. 240 DPI to 300 DPI Smoother Increases the resolution in approx. 10% steps from 240 to 300 DPI using the Photoshop Bicubic Smoother interpolation. This action also includes actions for a final resize to a desired size for various sizes of photographic enlargement: 4x6 5x7 8x10 8x12 11x14 11x17 12x18 16x20 20x24 20x30 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 The Crop Tool and Marquee Tool presets from The Light's Right Studio are also a perfect complement to this action set. You can use the tool presets to presize your images for the standard enlargements.